4 Fall Maintenance Tasks for Outdoor Lighting: Keep Your Nightscape Shining Brightly

Surprisingly, the cold weather in Canada or Muskoka, Ontario specifically, has minimal impact on your cottage’s outdoor lighting as long as you have LED lights.

Frigid temperatures aren’t a worry with LED lights since they resist shocks, vibrations, and external impacts. Since LEDs are made of plastic materials, the light bulbs are less likely to shatter.

Even while these outdoor lights are designed to withstand the environment, they still need a little TLC once or twice a year. Check off our 4 outdoor lighting fall maintenance tasks to make sure your cottage nightscape shines brightly throughout the seasons.

1. Double Check and Replace Light Bulbs

Because of the long life cycle of an LED light, bulb replacement is no longer a problem. We are more concerned about the brightness of LEDs. Are they as luminous as they were on the day of installation? If not, you might consider replacing the bulbs before winter hits.

Unsure if your outdoor lights need replacement? Nightscapes of Muskoka is a call away.

Exterior and outdoor entertainment space of a cottage in Muskoka, Ontario, Canada. Balcony of cottage is illuminated and you see into the windows. The deck of the cottage is illuminated as well. Two chairs are on the deck facing the water.

2. Tidy Light Fixtures and Clean Lenses

It’s a good idea to clean your light fixtures after summer so; they’re in mint condition for winter.

Outdoor lighting in Canada has to withstand many weather conditions during summer: thunderstorms, heavy rain, extreme heat, etc. As well as cleaning the lenses, double-check the light fixture for twigs, debris, and dirt.

Before you start tidying, make sure the circuit breaker is off. It’s an easy step to forget! Then, if possible, remove light bulbs and any glass panels. Use a soft cloth and soapy water to remove dirt, dust, and watermarks (unless recommended by the lighting manufacturer).

To avoid staining, rinse fixtures with water and dry with a soft cloth. Avoid getting moisture in or near light sockets: this lessens the chance of harming light fixtures and getting shocked when you replace the bulbs.

3. Adjust Outdoor Light Fixtures and Trim Shrubs

Stand back and observe your cottage from the perspective of guests and all angles: the driveway, pathway, dock, and the view from inside should all be well-lit and cohesive.

Trim back bushes or plants that are obscuring outdoor lights to improve illumination. Remove fallen leaves that have accumulated around accent and path lights. Properly rebury any exposed cables from the lighting system; this will protect cables from weather impacts and prevent people from tripping over them.

The property of a cottage in Muskoka, Ontario, Canada. The yard is brightly illuminated with outdoor lights. Trees, shrubs, and lots of greenery surround the property. A beautiful night sky in the background.

4. Is There Room for Improvement?

With the changing seasons, weather conditions and sights evolve. Canada, in general, is known for its unpredictable climate, and your cottage’s landscape could completely transform whether you’re in Ontario or Alberta.

If this is your second winter with outdoor lighting, consider what you liked and disliked about your lighting system. Was the driveway lit enough? Do you need brighter pathway lighting? Could you add cottage lights to improve outdoor activities?

The Nightscapes team is happy to upgrade your lighting system and accommodate any changes you require.

Nightscapes of Muskoka project: cottage with lots of outdoor lights. The lower level of cottage is illuminated as well. Nicely furnished and well landscaped.

Have Your Nightscape Shining Bright Throughout Fall

Cleaning and maintaining the outdoor lights for your cottage isn’t just in preparation for winter; it promotes a longer shelf life and ensures your nightscape is always illuminating brightly.

Whether your cottage is in a climate like Muskoka, Ontario or Kamloops, British Columbia or anywhere else in Canada, your outdoor lights need care throughout the year.

Once you’ve checked off our fall maintenance tasks, check out our tips for decorating your cottage to get it Autumn ready!

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