Fun Cottage Activities from an Outdoor Lighting Company

Cottages are a Canadian staple and with the beginning of summer only a couple months away, the people with cabins in Muskoka are already planning or done planning, their first trip to the cottage. Whether it’s a small cottage in the woods or a big one on the water, we know you can’t wait to get out there and play so here are some ideas to help you enjoy those long, sunny days! As an Outdoor Lighting Company, we have plenty of ideas for you. Here’s just a few!

Water Balloon Fights

During the hot summer season days at the cabin, there’s nothing like cooling off with a good old fashioned water balloon fight. Now water balloon fights can be fun for the whole family but make sure you watch out for the younger children. Consider making teams fair age-wise so that there isn’t an unfair fight. Remember, you want to keep these cottage activities fun and pain-free!

Tie-Dying T-Shirts

This classic and fun activity is perfect for the cabin because you can let them dry outside in the hot sun! You also don’t need much for this craft. Only t-shirts (100% cotton or 50% cotton / 50% polyester), rubber bands, and a Tie-dying kit, which can be found at most craft stores and regular stores, like Michaels and Walmart. Oh, and maybe pick up some rubber gloves so you don’t stain your hands!

Late-Night Campfire and S’Mores (This Is Where an Outdoor Lighting Company Can Shine)

At the end of a hot summer day full of fun, there’s nothing better than a light-night campfire and some s’mores! Did you know that the first official s’mores recipe appeared in the 1927 edition of “Tramping and Trailing with Girl Scouts”? Our personal fave chocolate to put in s’mores is Hershey’s Milk Chocolate! And if you have an outdoor lighting company, do up your cottage, those summer nights will be that much more beautiful and special!

Yard Games

Classic yard games like volleyball, frisbee, badminton, croquet, horse shoes, and bean bag tossing are the perfect cottage games to play with the whole family. They’re also super easy to set up and can go for hours! Maybe consider having a fun family tournament for a weekend! Family Olympics even.

Paint Rocks

Painting rocks is a trend that’s come back! Whether you want to keep them as home decor or hide them for others to find, this activity is perfect to outside on those warm, sunny days or even inside, when the weather gets nasty. Did you know there’s even Facebook groups for those that hide rocks around their towns? How fun! All you need are some smooth rocks, a spray sealer, oil-based paint or paint pens, and some Mod Podge. You can find all of that at your regular craft store!

Swimming Games

We all know swimming is the summer and cabin favourite, so why not make it even more fun? Consider recreating the Pan Am games at your own cottage! Throw a hula hoop in the water and try and jump through it, maybe a cannonball competition, or a noodle joust! Whatever you choose, just get creative and have a ton of fun.

We hope these 6 fun activities inspire you this summer and we hope you enjoy your time out at the cottage! As an outdoor lighting company, we know how important it is to you to make some really fun and lasting memories this year!

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